

Builds Traffic Light, Automated Car

By Kingsley Umoh

Nigeria has invested little in science, technology and innovation over the past three decades. The country’s gross expenditure for research and development as a percentage of GDP is 0.2%, less than half the world average of 0.4%.

This lack of investment in Science and Technology has handicapped research and development in strategic industries.

However, City Top schools, with a top priority, strong foundation and passion for science and technology development, are already investing on her students, who are exploring a technological driven world.

As part of programmes marking CityTop’s 5th anniversary celebration, an exhibition of projects executed by students was on parade.

Divine Abiodun Ojo, a year 7 pupil of CityTop schools, exhibited great level of innovation, and technical genius in science and technology in creating a traffic light.

CityTop’s Divine Ojo on exhibition day, showing how the traffic light works

The soft spoken, but articulated Divine, while speaking to EDUCARE NEWS, explains what the project is all about.

“I created a traffic light, it is the normal traffic light we use to see on the road, what motivated me to carry out this project just to show a small model of those things that are helping us save peoples life, and the traffic light is one of the project we carried out here at CITY TOP SCHOOLS, and our teachers taught us how to create it.”

Divine, an engineer in prospect, expressed her feelings after completing what was an enormous project.

“I feel like I have just done something big, because creating traffic

light is not something anybody can just stand up and do, those people creating the traffic light for us uses their brain and mind and everything needed to create it, that’s why I created this traffic light and I feel great about it.

In a similar vein, Richard Zion, a year 8 pupil led the team that created an Automated Car which he described as a car that can reduce stress for parents and guarantees peoples safety.

The vibrant speaking Richard, gave reasons why they had to embark on the project and how he feels to be part of the team that execute the project.

Richard Zion (standing right) with team mate displaying the workings of the automated car

“The reason why we created the automated car is for easy access. For instance while at work, parent can use the automated car to watch every move of their children, instead of them being restless about the whereabouts’ and safety of their children, the automated car can supply easy access, it releases stress and assure people of safety.

I feel good being part of the team that created this automated car because it is not every time you see this kind of opportunity to do such great work, so being part of it is a big privilege for me.”

In a related development, a teacher of the school, Laura Momoh, reiterated City’s Top commitment in carving a niche in science and technology as the world is already technology driven.

She said, “City Top is a place that is known for its technology, and that is one thing I found to be very outstanding about the school, we are into technology in everything we do, by so doing we have been able to impart the children, we are still building them and they are still growing.”

It would be recalled that CityTop schools have great penchant for science and technology, as they continue to make giant stride, the school is firmly focused in ensuring that all students in their fold are technologically savvy, even as they continue to strive in producing a technological driven generation.






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