
ASUU Strike: ANUA Pleads with NANS to Suspend Planned Protest Action

The Association of Nigeria Universities Alumni (ANUA), has appealed to the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) to suspend its planned nationwide protest.

ANUA called on NANS to suspend the protest, pending the time the association would resolve the impasse between the Federal Government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

Information gathered by EDU CARE NEWS indicated that NANS has concluded plans to stage a nationwide protest, to express their grievances, against the ongoing strike embarked upon by ASUU.

However, ANUA has said that there is no need for the protest, as it was confident that the government and ASUU will soon reach a resolution to the crisis.

In a statement released by the Association, and signed by its chairman, Dr. Stephen Olawale Fasakin, and the General Secretary, Alhaji Mohammed Sani Wada, promised to positively contribute to the resolution of outstanding issues by bringing the knowledge and experience of its members to bear.

The statement made available to newsmen on Monday read: “We strongly advise the National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS, to tarry a bit on their planned protest to allow the steps of mediation proposed herein to come into fruition. We are confident that, by the said proposed mediation process, the end to the impasse is nigh.

“ANUA, attending as a stakeholder in matters concerning university education in Nigeria, will positively contribute to the resolution of outstanding issues by bringing the knowledge and experience of its members to bear. In their individual capacities, the members of ANUA have been contributing to the advancement of education in the relevant institutions and we believe we will be able to bring our collective wealth of experience to bear in so far as the discussions between the government and ASUU are concerned.

 “It is our firm conviction that university education in Nigeria will be open to better stories to tell if the government, trade unions in universities, and alumni bodies of universities work hand-in-hand.

“Therefore, our interest lies, strongly, in encouraging the two sides to find a mutually agreeable position in resolving outstanding issues. However, we will only be able to do that when we are physically present to make our presentations to the parties while also witnessing interactions between the two sides and note first hand the stand-point and borderlines of each side.

“Consequent upon the above, we, again, humbly, request that you permit our team led by our Chairman, the General Secretary and the Legal Officer (or as you may prefer), to attend the next round of negotiation between the government and ASUU.”

In a student’s Leaders, Emergency Meeting held on November 9, 2020, in Enugu, NANS resolved to organize a nationwide mass protest for the immediate reopening of schools across the country.


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