
Forbes Ranks Uni-Lag Third Best

The Forbes Magazine has ranked Nigeria foremost university, the University Lagos, Akoko, as the third most productive school in educating entrepreneurs in Africa.

In a report by forbe titled “If you want to start a Tech-company in Africa, Go to college”, the university is the power house of Nigeria.

The University of cape town and makerere are the front runners in the ranking ahead of Unilag, while the University of Nairobi, Kenya and Stellenbosch University occupied the fourth and fifth position respectively Meghan Mc Cornick, CEO and founder of OZE and contributors of FORBESWOMEN, wrote the article, analyzed the importance of education in entrepreneurship in Africa. In the report, processed survey data from founders and C-level executives from 1904 start ups across Africa with 17.7 percent of all the companies operated in Africa had sample headquarters outside the continent.

The report looked out education where and what the entrepreneurs studied and the highest level of education achieved.

The Founders in the sample achieved their degrees around the world (41.6 percent of founders in the sample studied outside of Africa).

The study established that having at least a bachelors degree was significant for a start up to thrive in  Africa, although the study population was based on tech entrepreneur’s.

The research data indicated only one percent of tech entrepreneurs who participated in the study had no degree.

Disparity between the genders on the dimension of where the founder studied was minimal, 44 percent of females studied outside Africa as did 41 percent of males.

Outside of Africa business was the most common degree earned at 64.3 percent of the sample.

In the United States, MIT, Harvard, and Stanford topped the list, while the United Kingdom was the most popular destination in Europe with the London school of economics, the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge making the top 10 list.

Meanwhile, in its website, the University of Lagos expresses delight about being ranked third in Africa.

It started “The University of Lagos express its delight about this feature and uses this opportunity to remind its students of its mandate to produce talented and creative thinkers who before graduation are fully equipped and poised for the world outside university campus.


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