
University Education Not For Everyone, Says JAMB Registrar.

The registrar of the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB), Prof. Ishaq Oloyede, has stated that university education is not for everyone.

The professor made this statement on a live TV show,  the Funmi Iyanda’s Public Eye program.

He said that some children would go to the university and end up not benefiting from the education.

“Should all of us go to the university? The answer to me is no. These children will go to the university and end up not benefiting from university education but they could do some other things, they could be better not going to the university”.

“The system itself needs to be addressed. In the UK today, if one is a plumber, he could earn as much as somebody who is a professor if not more. He is fulfilled, he doesn’t need to be what he’s not because the system allows him to grow within his own path.”

However, Oloyede noted that some children could do some other things and be better without going to the university.

Recall that the JAMB registrar had earlier advocated that mathematics as a subject is unnecessary for arts and humanities courses.

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